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Innsbruck: Power2Heat leading the transition to greener swimming pools
In Innsbruck, a new Power2Heat system was recently installed in one of the city's public swimming pools to support the transition towards greener and energy efficient districts.
Bolzano's District Heating System refurbishment presented Global District Energy Days in Helsinki
Alperia presented Sinfonia at the Global District Energy Days on 26th September 2018 as part of the Global Energy Days in Helsinki 
SINFONIA auf der Langen Nacht der Forschung in Innsbruck am 13. März 2018
SINFONIA war auf der Langen Nacht der Forschung in Innsbruck am 13. März 2018 vertreten – mit einer Mitmach-Station der Partner Standortagentur Tirol, alpS und IKB zum Thema „Wie trägt SINFONIA zur Stadt der Zukunft bei?“.
Open Day at the University of Bolzano
During the Open Day of the University of Bolzano, a representative from Alperia presented its experience within the Sinfonia project.
La Rochelle: new training module for energy efficient district heating
On 13 March 2018, the University of La Rochelle opened a five weeks online training module dedicated to the optimisation of boilers’ energy performance.
Bolzano bets on hydrogen-fueled cogeneration to reduce polluting emissions
In Bolzano, experts from Alperia’s Engineering & Consulting decided to test innovative gas blends of hydrogen and natural gas for the combustion process of the city's Combined Heat and Power plant.
Aachen flushes heat out of the sewage canal
In Aachen, heat from sewage water is now being used to keep over 300 households warm during the winter.
New twist in power transformer’s use to heat buildings in Innsbruck
In Innsbruck, the dream of using the excess heat produced by the city’s power transformer became reality in early 2017.
SINFONIA shares knowledge and disseminates first results in Cyprus
The SINFONIA project met in Cyprus on 1 June in Paphos, one of the project's five 'early adopter cities'.
La Rochelle reports on its progress towards sustainable development
To assess the progress of the city in the development and implementation of its urban strategy, La Rochelle publishes an annual a Sustainable Development report presenting all the measures taken by the municipality in this field.